Nokia Missio is christian church and video producer at It has big conferences with foreign visitors, speeches often held in English. Nokia Missio is a revival movement and charismatic church in Finland. It has its headquarters in Tampere, 3rd largest town in Finland. Besides paid personnel, there are nearly 300 volunteers involved in different tasks in the organization. The regular meetings are held in the Cities of Tampere, Helsinki, Jyväskylä and Kokkola. In addition to the organization in Finland, there are people working for the Mission in Albania, where Christian activities and training events are organised especially for children, youth and students.
In India the Mission has started a Christian school for children and a Bible school to train pastors. Twice a year the Mission also organises big rallies at stadiums. There are twenty people working for the Mission in India.
In Israel Nokia Mission has a drug rehab facility for drug addicted men and women. The rehabilitation program is based on Messianic prayer and has been proven extremely effective. The poorest in the area are offered free meals twice a week from the Soup Kitchen. More information about Nokia Missio you can find at: --------------------------- produces also some content of its own. In Videos - tv316 -category you can find tv316 own productions. |